We ship 90% of all goods from the UK. Some countries will incur additional import/customs duties unless we expressly state herein that delivery is Duty Paid - Park Digital is not responsible for any additional charges.
Park Digital do not collect and remit VAT from orders that are exported from the UK. Any Sales Tax duty payable at the point of import is the responsibility of the customer. Park Digital will not refund orders that are returned to sender due to non-payment of Sales Tax or Duties.
Non-delivery occurs when the goods do not arrive at the address you gave us, or you claim that the goods are not in your possession despite a confirmation of successful delivery from the delivery partner.
Please be aware that in some cases of disputed delivery, as detailed in our 'terms of service' we may have to undertake a full investigation with the delivery partner before processing any refund or replacement.
If orders have not been received within 14 days of expected arrival, please email customer support at park-fields@pc-supportdesk.com